For Help Against Spiritual Enemies

Glorious St. Michael. Prince of the Heavenly hosts, thou art ever ready to assist the people of God. Thou fought with the dragon, the old serpent. and cast him out of Heaven, and thou now valiantly defends the Church of God so the gates of Hell may never prevail against her. I earnestly entreat thee to assist me also in the painful and dangerous conflict I must sustain against the same formidable foe. Be with me, O mighty Prince, that I may courageously fight and wholly vanquish that proud spirit, whom thou, by the Divine power, hast overthrown, and whom our powerful King, Jesus Christ, in our nature, so completely overcame. Then, triumphing over the enemy of my salvation, I may, with thee and the holy Angels, praise the clemency of God, Who, though refusing mercy to the rebellious Angels after their fall, has granted repentance and forgiveness to fallen man.

Consecration to St. Michael

St. Michael the Archangel, invincible Prince of the Angelic hosts and glorious protector of the universal Church, I greet thee and praise thee for that splendor with which God has adorned thee so richly. I thank God for the great graces He hast bestowed upon thee, especially to remain faithful when Lucifer and his followers rebelled, and to battle victoriously for the honor of God and the Divinity of the Son of Man.

St. Michael, I consecrate to thee my soul and body. I choose thee as my patron and protector and entrust the salvation of my soul to thy care. Be the guardian of my obligation as a child of God and of the Catholic Church as again I renounce Satan, his works and pomps. Assist me by thy powerful intercession in the fulfillment of these sacred promises, so that imitating thy courage and loyalty to God, and trusting in thy kind help and protection, I may be victorious over the enemies of my soul and be united with God in Heaven forever. Amen.

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